Dr. Mohammad Mahmoud Mortada Download the full research
Despite its continuous attempts to present itself as a national liberation movement for Jews, however, its reality reveals that it is a settler movement based on displacing the indigenous population and replacing them with settlers, just as colonial powers did in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Today, as global awareness of the "Israeli" occupation crimes grows, it has become necessary to re-examine the ideological roots of Zionism, and understand how Jewish religious texts were distorted to legitimize a racist colonial project. Analyzing the relationship between Zionism and contemporary Western thought also helps reveal the political and intellectual alliances that supported this project at the expense of Palestinian rights.
Dr. Mohammad Mahmoud Mortada Download the full research
In this research, we try to discuss the structure of Zionist thought, to reveal its historical religious roots, by shedding light on its intellectual and ideological sources in the Old Testament and the Jewish Talmud, and analyzing the biblical and Talmudic texts that contributed to shape and formulate modern Zionist awareness towards the different other.
The research focuses on how Jewish religious narratives were used to build Zionist ideology, especially those related to the concepts of "the chosen people", "the promised land", and the relationship with the other. It also discusses the Talmudic influence in shaping the Zionist perspective on international relations and political conflicts.
The research shows, through a critical study, how religious texts were interpreted to serve a racist colonial political project supported by the West, which led to the production of an exclusionary discourse towards non-Jews, especially Arabs and Palestinians.
Prof. Anwar Mahmoud Zanati Download the full research
We sought, through the intellectual research process on the original religious texts of Jewish Zionist thought, to clarify the roots of this inhuman behavior. Then we explained the implementation mechanisms that the Zionists have adopted in their alleged state since before the announcement of its establishment until today, where a war of extermination is taking place against the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon. A quick search in religious Zionist thought, and among the early founders of the alleged entity, clearly indicates the nature of the religious purging war that it is waging. This war does not only reflect political or expansionist ambitions, but is based on a purging genocide.
Therefore, the current events cannot be analyzed from the perspective of political pragmatism alone.
Dr. Rahman Abdul Hussein Zahir Download the full research
The great difference between the claim and the truth in the application of human rights in recent centuries has become clear. Rather, it is very clear that the major countries care for their interests more than they preserve human rights. An example of this is the execution and dismemberment of the Saudi (Jamal Khashoggi) in the Saudi embassy in Turkey, while he holds American citizenship. The Americans turned a blind eye on the condition that the Saudi Crown Prince pledged allegiance to the United States of America and paid large sums of money to the Americans. Thus, the defense of human rights is lost among Western interests that prevail over principles, the distinction between Western and Eastern humans, and Muslims and Christians.
This was evident in the Serbian war on Bosnia, where the UN forces allowed the Serbs to kill Muslims without remorse.
Dr. Mahmoud Kishana Download the full research
It also shows the impact of Western materialist philosophy in shaping and directing it in this way, comparing its essence in this philosophy with its existence in the Jewish Zionist mentality. The instrumental mind in materialistic philosophy is the instrumental mind from which the Jewish mentality has been based since its inception. The concern is with the means by which the goal is achieved, regardless of whether this goal is consistent with human principles and human conscience.
Hence, the research attributes immorality, terrorism and the claim of racial superiority in the Western perspective and the Jewish Zionist perspective to this reason.
Dr. Asmaa Abdel Aziz Ahmad Download the full research
The war on Gaza or southern Lebanon was just one phase in an extended war that each time carried a colonial ideology, with the aim of establishing a Western empire, draining resources, or controlling the capabilities of the peoples of the region.
In this illogical war, and in light of international and institutional failure and moral and human collapse, major philosophical statements related to political science are evident. "Political realism" occupies the forefront of these statements, to create an alternative vision that justifies the killings and destruction that local and international media outlets have circulated in different ways.
This vision monitors the foundations and features of the contemporary Western colonial project on both the theoretical and practical levels, in order to reveal the mechanisms of manipulation in discourse and practice alike. Arab and Western media institutions play a role in localizing the philosophy of "political realism" as an ideological framework. This role frames a new cognitive vision that the logic of power is sufficient to manage international relations. We also shed light on its applications in the Arab media and cultural narrative, and some Western narratives in speeches and orientations that support Zionist goals.
Prof. Mohammad Shabdini PashaqiProf. Mahdi Rostam NejadProf. Ali Karimi KhoshhalSheikh Mahmoud Ammar Download the full research
By paying attention to the fact that the clear Islamic religion originates from an eternal divine source, it is not limited in the field of work to a practical law and orders for how to apply moderation. Rather, it has a tendency to clarify the intellectual and theoretical foundations and bases of moderation as well. It deals with resources such as moderation in the system of existence, the wisdom and justice of the Creator of existence, and the moderation of the legislative laws of religion.
Among the matters that have been of serious interest in Islam is the issue of government and Muslim rulers, and the formation of government in Islam, in order to implement justice in society. Achieving moderation is one of the most important terms for an Islamic ruler in Islam.
Dr. Musa Ma'irish Download the full research
We reach the contemporary Western vision, which in its political relationship starts from this vision, which many thinkers and politicians have criticized, believing that the West practices duality in its dealings with the other.
They also believe that this vision, toward the other, is based on a contradiction in his perceptions and starting points, without neglecting some of the medieval and modern Western philosophers' stances , and their attempts to reconcile the imported Eastern Christianity- who has the new values- and the nature rooted in the Western mind, even if it contradicts its great ancient philosophers, such as: Socrates, Plato and others. Hence, this paper attempts to provide an explanation for this tendency, and seeks to understand its political and moral implications, as well as to provide a critical reading of it and its applications.
Mr. Nabil Ali Saleh Download the full research
This is in understanding the nature of this movement and the damage it caused to the Palestinian cause, which undermined its efforts to prove its right and defend it. This requires historically re-shedding light on the origin of the Zionist project, and requires going back historically to search for the beginnings of its emergence. Hence, the West embraced it intellectually and politically, and even embraced the Zionist (biblical) ideas and concepts, especially that which relates to the fact that the Jews are civilized and advanced, and their race is pure, and they must be returned to their homeland, Palestine, to establish their state and their Jewish political entity there..!
Without this complete Western imperialist support and endorsement of the ideas, plans and projects of Zionism, which are derived from the concepts of the Old Testament, their plans to establish a state on the occupied land of Palestine would not have succeeded.
Lina Al-Saqr Download the full research
Zionism exploited international circumstances, most notably the persecution of Jews in Europe, to push Jewish immigration to Palestine, with British support, and worked to establish the state of "Israel" in 1948. This was a cultural and military shock to the Arabs. Then the Zionist project developed slowly through several stages, which the Jews began by establishing settlements in Palestine and providing support to Britain in World War II, while the Arab countries were preoccupied with their internal problems in the various stages of the development of the "New World System". After World War II, the "State of Israel" project was present in the Western geostrategic imagination, and the conditions became ripe for the completion of this project, which began at an early stage, and received the necessary support, and all the components and foundations were achieved.
This book is an attempt to answer the questions related to explaining the motives for the twinning and adhesion between Western civilization and the Zionist project in occupied Palestine.
Mounir Zuhair NsouliAli Malli Download the full research
He highlights how liberalism and the military-industrial society in Western civilization exploited the Jewish cause, in this context and civilizational system. He presented this in ten chapters, where he provided a definition of the concepts of Western philosophy, and highlighted evidence of the nature of the relationship between Western civilization and the Jewish cause. He saw that it was merely an exploitation of an outcast religious group that had no benefit in Western geography. Therefore, the West exploited the legacy of this group for its own interests. The idea of Zionism emerged, which does not match Jewish thought.