Europe: Savage Civilization

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Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon the Prophet Mohammad and his pure family. War is not a new phenomenon in human history, but rather a phenomenon that has existed since the emergence of the phenomenon of domination in its psychological dimension - and possession of the land - in its social dimension - as the noble Qur’an verse indicates: {They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood} [Al-Baqarah, verse: 30], to its existence before the creation of Adam (peace be upon him), to whom we are related.

Although the history of different nations recorded an extensive record of wars, it did not place the countries that caused the wars on a single scale, especially if we look at it through the size of the population ratios and the privileges available to them. The Western European model and what emerged from it by its title stand out as a striking model in human history, especially since its vitality in the issue of making wars continues to characterize its civilization until today. 

European history is characterized by having the most wars and bloodshed, regardless of what happened in its history or what it does in its contemporary reality, and its global record rates maintain the highest rates, without competition from anyone from any other civilizational group. Despite the multiple factors that are usually involved in making wars, the West is distinguished by the fact that its religious reality in the Middle Ages does not differ in this quality from its secular and atheistic reality in later eras, all the way to the reality we live in today.

Wars and killing are a general characteristic of the history of civilizations. The East, to be fair, was not peaceful. So what did the West do that the East did not do? This question seems strongly fallacious, because civilizational construction is based only on the duality of: "propulsion and cooperation", "construction and protection". Therefore, we can easily see the civilization built by the Easterners throughout history, but where is the Western civilization? 

We should not be tempted by what Europe has reached today - ostensibly - as this is only intended to hide the bloodiest and most abhorrent racist civilizations, stemming from the white man’s superiority. 

Those who follow the path of the contemporary West will find that it is a distorted copy of the civilizations that preceded it, which were frantically seeking to get rid of any other civilization, a civilization that does not accept anything else. 

History is a witness that does not lie. We can see when the Europeans arrived in North America, where they completely and bloodily exterminated the indigenous peoples. We can also talk about slavery and racism, and what Europeans did to the Africans, where they enslaved and transported them to America. 

It can be said that this standard rate applies to all types of wars that the West fought, such as wars of religious, racial, or cultural genocide, wars of colonialism, wars of the slave trade, wars of mass destruction, and the like. The West has achieved the highest numbers in the list of these types of wars in the land in which it was present. We can hardly be wrong if we say: There is no contemporary Western country that does not find its historical heritage filled with crimes and killing, which has become one of the foundations of the existence of these countries, without any difference between the blood of its citizens or the blood of their counterparts in other countries, whether fighters or civilians.

What is astonishing is that the huge gap between the way of thinking in the Middle Ages - which claimed to speak on behalf of Allah - and the way that claimed to be the opposite of what came before - where it dethroned Allah as the philosophers and thinkers of atheism claimed – led, in terms of the outcome, to the same result in the world of conflict and wars. The numbers that resulted in medieval wars are similar, in style, to the numbers produced by the wars of contemporary Western civilization, if we keep the difference, in terms of population number and the development in death techniques and weapons. In all cases, their numbers are superior to the numbers of wars produced by other civilizations.

Although the world suffered so much, as a result of the series of bloody attacks that this civilization waged in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, beginning with the Napoleonic wars, and passing through the Austrian wars and the wars of Italian unification and the like, all the way to the first and second world wars and the resulting loss of tens of millions of lives in a period that is unparalleled by any period in global history in terms of the European human being’s skill in spreading death, enslavement, and the violation of sanctities. Although this stage was an opportunity for the killers of the West to become aware of what they had committed, and despite the work between nations to formulate mechanisms that would prevent wars, but what we saw after World War II is that the treaties that were approved, instead of being an institution for establishing peace, it turned into an element to arouse European people’s greed for people’s resources, which led them to shed more blood distributed among Asia and Latin America, as well as Africa. 

What the Europeans did not do with their own hands, they replaced it with what is known as neo-colonialism, and established dictatorships in countries that became known as the Third World, to carry out the European mission on its behalf, including guidance, motivation, and declared and undeclared coverage, as long as it continues to kill and spread wars of all kinds. However, the practical outcome is a long series of wars that began with the Indochina Wars at the end of World War II, continued during the days of the Cold War, and then began to rage more after the end of the Soviet Union, and what we see today of outrageous crimes in Gaza. 

Here the Westerner is in the Ukrainian crisis, the Taiwanese crisis, and the Zionist crisis to make wars that are more violent and destructive than what the Earth has witnessed in all of its history. Indeed, previous wars may be simple compared to what is being prepared for future wars, as European tyranny and arrogance have overcome any value related to human humanity, so industries and technologies have been used to provide the tools and mechanisms of killing in any war. Any review of what wars and peace research mentions - about the terrifying numbers of what armies were supplied with - is sufficient to know where humanity, which led by the West, is being led.


Undoubtedly, this tendency to oppress people and expose them to death did not result by coincidence. If we look at that from the ethical side, or the theorizing of political philosophy, or economic or psychological justification, it leads to one truth: The Western mind is built on the basis of not submitting to any restriction that stands against the ego, and the manifestations of tyranny and arrogance that it produces, even if that means shedding the blood of the whole world.

Since the Westerner abandoned the valuable and standard constant, and said that values and ethics are the product of reality, considering them a relative matter that adapts according to its benefits or interests; since philosophy and ideas were removed from the world of reason and meaning, and turned into a mere reflection of social reality and its requirements; and since this reality is created by the controlling forces - not by what the peoples create - We will not wait for philosophy and political theorizing to shift from the path of arrogance and tyranny to what is opposite to it. On the contrary, when political and moral philosophy dethroned Allah, Almighty, and lowered man from the status of divine honor to the status of animal hierarchy, conflict became the law that governs, and in this conflict only the strongest will survive. This survival is governed by submission to the super man, as Nietzsche puts it! What do you expect from results reflected on the reality by its makers, not those who live alongside it?

In fact, we should not be overly shocked by the West's behavior towards Gaza massacres, because the mind that dares to exclude “Allah” from being a moral high authority, on which morality is based, is closer to disbelieving in values, and is more capable of committing crime with cold blood. Westerners have lacked any sense of awe, because they are driven by the illusion of power, and nothing can deter them from their quest to subjugate nature. This idea is one of the radical ideas in the mind and depths of the Western conscience. This is an idea that is not separate from the Westerner’s loss of the divine foundations of morality; and his lack of respect for the idea of the Creator; which makes a person go through his life humble before the majesty and holiness of the human spirit, which is derived from the Creator, and not the contractual holiness that can be violated at any moment. 

Although European thought, due to the bloody results of the conflict, tended to the principle of the social contract, as codified by Thomas Hobbes or Jean-Jacques Rousseau and their likes, and a huge amount of texts regulating social unity were mobilized in the form of laws, constitutions, treaties and agreements, but the question remains urgent about the extent of the usefulness of these systems in preventing the outbreak of wars or promoting them, especially since reality has proven that the most ferocious wars came after the emergence of law and similar means of control and systems! The situation in Gaza at the present time is clear evidence of the fragility and futility of this law.

Westerner is codified on the basis of the view of Thomas Hobbes, which says: "Every human being is the enemy of every human being"; and is up brought on the foundations of the struggle for survival, as Darwin depicts it, and that conflict is the character of life as you find it in Marx. While Freud decided that man is strongly inclined to satisfy his aggressive need at the expense of his neighbor, to exploit his work without compensation, to use him sexually without his will, to seize his property and humiliate him, to inflict pain on him, persecute him, and kill him. "Man to man is a wolf". Malthus also depicted for him his miserable equation about the depletion of the resources of human life unless others are eliminated. When Westerner is stripped of the sanctity of morality and replaced with the morality of instrumental pragmatism based on the values of benefit, then what is useless has no virtue, so it is given the despair of Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialism. All of this is within the framework of the tendency of capitalist selfishness that does not care about others. 

All of these ideas and theories, and the like, are caused by the authoritarian powers’ need for them in order to justify their atrocities and crimes, and then work to provide them with weapons of destruction and lethal techniques for control, tyranny and oppression. 

Do you expect anything other than war and destruction as a result of them?


Whatever the matter, the second issue of Oumam magazine, which will be under the title: "Barbarism of West: Europe and Its Wars", represents the first part of an issue that will come in two parts. In the first, which is in our hands, we try to shed light on the wars that the Europeans fought. The second will present the wars fought by the United States of America.

It goes without saying that the research contained in the first part of the second issue will not chronicle all the wars that Europe has fought in its history, as that would require volumes. Rather, we present some examples of them, through two research papers related to European thought, which is dominated by the philosophy of force, tyranny, and murder, to point out to a deep-rooted Western mentality that believes in force, not justice, as well as only victory, power, hegemony, and tyranny determine the status of every state, and through which rights are determined. 

The West is not the product of humanism, science, morals, or values. Rather, it is, first and foremost, the product of injustice, persecution, savagery, and barbarism.



Thursday 30 May 2024
Oumam magazine, for Human and Social studies, is a peer-reviewed quarterly scientific periodical, issued by "Baratha Center in Beirut and Bagdad. It is concerned with criticizing Western visions of humanity and society in various fields . on the other hand, rooting them from a rational standpoint, that is consistent with the requirements of human nature, and with the original metaphysical cosmic vision of human society.The magazine aims to confront the Western intellectual challenges imposed by the West on our Arab and Islamic societies, through:
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